Thursday, May 21, 2009

ATTENTION TO ALL BFA 22 Graduates!!!

The Final Verdict has been postpone until further notice....

However some information such as studio location have been confirmed. Please read the details as below:-

Location: Ultra-New Image Photo Studio,
No 12B, Grd Floor, PAP Hajjah Nor'ain Shopping Complex,
Mile 1 1/2, Jalan Tutong, BA 2111, Bandar Seri Begawan,
Negara Brunei Darussalam.

Hint: nda jauh kedai kasut 'Lai Lai' d batu satu...but not the same block lah...

Attire: Pakaian tani sama seperti mcm tani convo lah..As extracted from ITB convocations rules...

Pakaian Graduan [Semasa Majlis Konvokesyen]

Graduan Lelaki: Cara Melayu berwarna putih, bersongkok berserta pakaian akademik (jubah). Selipar / sandal adalah dilarang.

Graduan Perempuan: Baju Kurung atau Baju Kebaya berwarna putih, bertudong putih, berserta pakaian akademik (jubah). Selipar / sandal adalah dilarang.


Suggested date and time for Photo Session are:-

(A) Sunday, 24th May 2009, Time: 9.00 AM (pagi tu ahh)

Problem: Ditakuti ada yg akhir bangun and as usual janji melayu lah ahh....(mcm aku dulu..hehe) To inform you all, c mizah ada tournament Netball dari pukul 8.30 pagi sampai 5.00 ptg...ia ckp

"SHaMYZa 4eVeR says:
Pg ptg ku blwn
SHaMYZa 4eVeR says:
F kamu kn tarus kn,agatah.."

The rest of you, you did not provide me sufficient details or statement that you cannot come on sunday morning which i assume you can come. Yeah, walaupun kamu mention kamu 'prefer' hari n waktu yg berbeza...


(B) SATURDAY, 23rd May 2009, Time: 4.30 - 5.00 PM. Ngam time2 org gov habis kaja..hehe

Problem: Im not so sure kaka sofie sempat dtg kah nda tu (malam lagi ada function d rumahnya), di khuatir kan gagas brabis dtg ke studio..hehe..(please drive safe ahh). C khairol Simya nda tahu pukul brapa ia habis kaja on saturday psl ia meng-audit client tu...Species Ter-Ancam nda dpt mlm 'maybe' alum cukup umur..HAHA (sorry ilham, just kidding) and also c Ima@Salina nda tahu ada kah nda masih boatnya utk ia kan balik ke pulaunya seberang kota batu atu (nda ku ingat apa nama pulaunya)... Qmah ada tournament netball jua tpi nda tahu pukul brapa ahh..(please inform me Qmah, thanx)
However, these are just my assumption which are based from the confirmation (messages) that i received (as posted previously arh blog ani) from all of you. The confirmation received also take account of MSN conversation with all of you.

If possible, please inform me pukul brapa kamu NDA dpt datang this weekend (saturday or/and sunday) and please specify bhapa kamu...apa activity kamu yg membuat kamu nda dpt datang atu that you can justify your self napa kamu nda dpt dtg...c Khairol, kaka Sofie, Mizah and Ima ada udah gtau aku bila n kamu lagi.

Klu kamu absolutely free on both day nda payah inform aku. Klu aku kan buat assumption lagi, maybe org Belait nda mau malam kli jua lah psl jauh and yes i understand your situation, i acknowledge ur difficulty to commute time malam. For the sake of information gathering, just inform me pabila kamu nda blaku n apa reason nya...alrite???

I guess mcm labih2 tah plng aku ani kan mau tahu apa activity aku awal2 minta sorry lah klu kamu rasa aku ani busy body kah or apa kah...I just want to know if any of you have any high priority activity/function/event either on this Saturday or Sunday ani so sng kan decide awal2..

Btw, 'almost' all pics from my Canon Camera during full day rehearsal and actual day convocation will be given on cd copies on the decided day for this Formal Group Studio Photo Session ONLY. Sapa nda dtg nda tah ku membagi tu...huhuhu...rugi rasa nya tu eyh....nda kah??? hmmmm.... The cd copies is complimentary and it is currently limited for BFA 22 saja dulu...utk org klass lain or dept ada ku membgi jua tu when i have adequate resources tpi paksa tunggu tah lama lagi tu.... okeh? ckp ok ja...OK!! bagus......

Skali lagi ku susun sepuluh jari ku utk memohon usin dari kamu..OOPPSS!! hahaha...i mean memohon ampun and maaf klu ku ada salah arh kamu tym ku mem-post arh blog ani. Bah lagi skli ni..Okeh? ckp ok ja...OK!!

Alrite, rajin2 saja mencek blog ani..



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